Executive influencers have become an effective growth strategy, and some influencers have gone on to launch successful products or services. It's hard to talk about executive Banner Design influencers and not mention Gary Vaynerchuk. If I was handling SEO for VaynerMedia, I would have a full time job claiming unrelated brand mentions for the term “gary vaynerchuk”. Advertising Continue reading below If you want to determine if this process is the right choice for Banner Design your brand, here are two ways to identify if there is a high volume of mentions. Google search operators
The manual method involves using Google search Banner Design operators to find all of a company's brand mentions outside of its website and major social media channels. Using the "intext" operator to define the "company brand", in conjunction with using Banner Design the minus operator (e.g., "-intext:searchenginejournal.com" to only return sites without links to the domain, you can start finding all off-page results. As listings appear in Google, you may find it very difficult to sort and make sense of the results without going Banner Design page by page. Brand Equity: The Key to Building Corporate Links industry tools Advertising Continue reading below If you prefer more data on potential sites and content, there are several tools you can use.
Since I've already written a few times about how to use Ahrefs, I wanted to explore some other great alternatives: Moz's Fresh Web Explorer I like the simplicity of the tool, and if you're using Moz data, but you still need to know your operators. The main Banner Design benefits are the tool’s “mention authority” score and the ability to build a campaign around it.Be sure to use quote operators around the text for exact matches. Advertising Continue reading Banner Design below So if you search for a product brand like “shure sm7b” you will get results that only contain that phrase. Now that you have a prioritized list of targeted opportunities, it's time to figure out how to contact authors for consideration for backlinks.